Please contact your card issuer if the payment from abroad to Japan is not accepted.

Please follow these steps if you can’t pay with your card.

  • Please input card No., CVC and expiration date correctly.
  • Available brands are VISA, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Diners Club and Discover. Please check your card’s brand.
  • Please update your iOS or Android device.
  • Please try without Internet Explorer. (ex. Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge)
  • Please close tabs if you open multiple tabs for form.
  • Please check your browser settings JavaScript and Cookie are enabled surely.
  • Please turn off your Ad blocker. The payment form may not be displayed correctly if an Ad blocker or similar extension is installed.
  • You can’t pay sometimes in case of you are in a network in university or company. that is security reason.Please try in other network.
  • Please contact your card issuer.
